New America
Sometime in the not-too-distant future, in a time of civil unrest, the New Madrid Fault wakes up and shakes the United States of America. Millions die, tens of millions lose their homes, and hundreds of thousands of businesses are destroyed. It is an economic disaster of unimaginable proportions, and it causes a short but bloody civil war. New America rises out of the ashes.
The government of New America severly restricts anything that remotely resembles religion. People who feel the need to express their beliefs to others, find themselves in a Division of Citizen Assimilation & Rehabilitation Services center for 30 days. The second time, the stay was 90 days; the third time the offender's entire family disappeared, never to be seen by their friends and neighbors again.
In Valley Park, Missouri, an unlikely friendship forms between Venus Dearlove, a Christian girl, Harun Amjad, a Muslim boy, and Titus Markovic, an atheist ethnic Jew. Most kids in their high school find it easy to follow the partyline and stay out of trouble, but not these three. They find a common denominator in their strong convictions. Though those convictions would have divided them in the old United States, in New America, it unites them - they can discuss their differences with each other and know that they are safe from being reported to the authorities.
If you would like to, you can follow along as the story develops. This is the first draft of the book, and it may be a little rough in areas. I welcome your feedback at
New America, Chapter 1
New America, Chapter 2