A Novel Approach to Marriage Building - A Gilded Sky, Chapter 30

Remember, when you get to the questions that are specific about your marriage, make sure you both share!

Warning: The question contains spoilers. If you haven't already read the book, you may not want to read the questions.

Read pages 202-204, from the second paragraph from te bottom, "'I'm not jealous,' Greg ..." over through the third full paragraph on page 204, "'It also makes the ...'"

Greg gives an impromptu mini message about "our God is a jealous God." Have you ever wondered about that? Does what Greg says make sense to you?

Verify what Greg said. Use a concordance to look up all the passages about "jealous." Use a GK Concordance to find the Hebrew and Greek words the original authors used. (See the bible study page if you don't know what a GK Concordance is.) Use a scripture chart to list all the passages and what the bible's original meaning was. Which ones are about God's protectiveness of what's his? What does that tell you about God? What does that tell you about what it means to be Christ-like?

In your marriage, are you jealous with a godly jealousy? Do you protect your relationship? What are ways you protect your relationship with godly jealousy? Do you feel like your spouse protects your marriage with godly jealousy? Why or why not? How can you both do better? (Remember that threats to your marriage are not always overt, like some guy making eyes at your wife. Threats can come out of our own flesh or from other family members.) Give each other specific ideas for what you do well and where you can improve.

Other A Gilded Sky questions:

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