A Novel Approach to Marriage Building - A Gilded Sky, Chapter 8
Remember, when you get to the questions that are specific about your marriage, make sure you both share!
Warning: The question contains spoilers. If you haven't already read the book, you may not want to read the questions.
Read pages 57-58, from the last full paragraph, "Joshua had loved his ...." just past half-way down page 58, "Joshua was now relatively ...."
Joshua has realized what he did wrong in his marriage. He knows he doesn't want the same kind of relationship, and he knows Gloria wouldn't want that either. At the end of the reading he observes that "He wanted new and better God-glorifying habits because Gloria couldn’t be, wouldn’t want to be his number one passion in life. He was dreaming of the day she would openly become his number two, second only to God."
Do you agree that your spouse should not be number one in your life? Do you know how to make your spouse "second only to God"? What does that look like?
Read Ephesians 5. Think about how the first part of the chapter puts the marriage part in perspective. What are the things we are all supposed to do as Christians. Expand your reading to include chapters 4 and 6. (Read all three of them at once. It also might help to read it aloud.) Does the expanded reading help you see how the God-centered marriage is a natural part of being a Christian? If you submit yourself to the moral standards of the Lord and properly arm yourself for spiritual battles, will you be more successful in your marriage?
What are some practical things that a couple (or any Christian for that matter) needs to do to put God first in their life? How well are you doing those things? Can your spouse encourage you in any way or hold you accountable? Are you willing to take the radical step of correcting your spouse if he or she does something that you think might put you above God? What are some ways that might happen?
Other A Gilded Sky questions:
If you have any questions or comments about "A Novel Approach," please email me at cheryl@cherylokimoto.com