A Novel Approach to Marriage Building: A Gilded Sky - This is a five week study. You will read the scene together, discuss the questions then explore the bible together. Finish with an honest discussion about how you can apply what you learned so that you can improve your marriage.
I have only selected scenes from five chapters. Please discuss other scenes if they strike either of you as important. See below for the basic instructions for A Novel Approach and for links to questions from my other books.
If you have any questions or comments for how I can improve this study, please email me at cheryl@cherylokimoto.com.
Warning: The assignments contain spoilers. If you haven't already read the book, you may not want to read the questions.
Chapter questions. There is only one question per chapter on each page. That doesn't mean that's the only question in the chapter! If you have suggestions for more questions from other chapters, please send them to me at cheryl@cherylokimoto.com.