On page 69, in the fourth paragraph from the bottom, Beth hopes that Greg's "broad shoulders were strong enough to carry away all her troubles, doubts and fears, to set her free from her past so that she could have a bright future."
Have you ever had similar hopes about someone? Have you tried to be that someone for a hurting friend? What's wrong with this kind of thinking?
The Apostle Paul wrote the majority of the books in the New Testament and yet he didn't consider himself strong. Use a concordance to explore the passages where he talked about weakness.
If Paul could not be "strong" to save other people, can anyone else be, even someone like Greg? Will anyone ever be strong enough to save you? Are you ever going to be strong enough to save anyone?
Have you been looking for a "hero" to rescue you? Are you looking to be someone's hero? Do you see how the Bible says that is flawed thinking? Are you ready to bring your thoughts more in line with the Bible? How can your friends best help you to change?
If you have any questions or comments about "A Novel Approach," please email me at cheryl@cherylokimoto.com