A Novel Approach to Marriage Building - Seasons of Change, Chapter 11
Remember, when you get to the questions that are specific about your marriage, make sure you both share!
Warning: The question contains spoilers. If you haven't already read the book, you may not want to read the questions.
Read page 75-76, from the bottom of the page, "When Steve took off, ..." to three-fourths of the way down page 76, "That was a major ..."
Heather gives Mike a non-committal answer when he asks if the guy she's with is Steve Jeremiah. Do you understand why she did so? Do you understand her concern about how Steve wants such things handled? Do you think it's right to be evasive like that? How important do you think it is to consider your spouse's feelings when you're talking to other people?
There were times in the bible that Jesus told people to not tell about miracles he'd performed. Other times he basically told his family to not push him. He also sometimes wanted to be alone. See if you can find some of those instances. Can you figure out why Jesus wanted the anonymity or aloneness? If Jesus felt like that sometimes, what does that mean for us?
While your spouse might not be a famous figure, he or she still has confidences and feelings. Do you respect your spouse's wishes? If not, why not? Do you feel like your spouse respects you? Be specific but gentle about how you feel disrespected. What would be ways your spouse could respect you?
Other Seasons of Change questions:
If you have any questions or comments about "A Novel Approach," please email me at cheryl@cherylokimoto.com