A Novel Approach to Marriage Building - Seasons of Change, Chapter 21
Remember, when you get to the questions that are specific about your marriage, make sure you both share!
Warning: The question contains spoilers. If you haven't already read the book, you may not want to read the questions.
Read page 149-150, from about one-third of the way down, "'Your sister is an ...'" to the end of the chapter.
Steve is bothered because Heather doesn't think she's beautiful. He confronts Luke and Greg because he thinks they should have been building her self-esteem. Do you think he has a valid point? Is it important for people to see the good in themselves, things like beauty and talent? Why or why not?
Reread the Song of Songs, this time specifically looking for how many times the lovers comment on the good in each other. Remember that Song of Songs was written to show God's model of married love. Does that change your opinion of how important it is to compliment your spouse?
Genesis 1 tells us that mankind was made in God's image and that God pronounced his creations "very good." See if you can find other verses that talk about us being in the image of God. If we are in the image of God, are we not wonderfully made? In observing your spouse's good qualities, are you simply making observations about him/her or are you also making observations about the God who created us all?
Honestly share some of the things that you find very pleasing in each other. Receive the compliments. Try to make this a daily practice. Not only will you help each other get rid of insecurities, but if you're looking for positive things, you're not as likely to see the negatives!
Other Seasons of Change questions:
If you have any questions or comments about "A Novel Approach," please email me at cheryl@cherylokimoto.com