A Novel Approach to Marriage Building - Seasons of Change, Chapter 40

Remember, when you get to the questions that are specific about your marriage, make sure you both share!

Warning: The question contains spoilers. If you haven't already read the book, you may not want to read the questions.

Read page 283-284, from about three-fourths of the way down, "'You bought them a ...'" to the bottom of page 284, "'I forgive you, love,' ..."

Heather is upset because Steve just gave Jenni a puppy for Christmas. She has legitimate concerns, but Steve thinks she could have expressed them in a better way. Do you agree with Steve? What do you think about how he handled the situation?

In Matthew 18:15-20, Jesus talks about how believers should correct each other. See if you can find other related passages. Do you think these rules only apply to discipline within a church, or should it also be part of family life?

On the other hand, the New Testament reports times when Jesus and Paul did not follow these rules? What were the circumstances under which they broke those rules? What does that tell you about when it's okay to confront someone in public?

Do you and your spouse confront each other on wrongs? If not, why not? (In spite of the lesson from Chapter 21, don't try to claim that your spouse is perfect!) What keeps you from being able to correct each other in a godly way? What are specific ways you can improve in both giving and receiving correction?

Other Seasons of Change questions:

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